Saturday, 6 January 2024


Dear The Curmudgeon's Agony Aunt

In strictest confidence I want to tell you that I'm a member of a very select and discerning blogging group that has won awards and received accolades from the top internet-thingy groups. We have been a relatively contented bunch for quite some time and each has their own area of expertise to report on.

Just recently a new member has been inducted as the boss identified a market gap and perceived a need for a cu ... er, a contributor with a particular trait. He discussed this with competitive bloggers without any reference to current members of the inc ... er group and appointed a new guy.  This guy has no better qualifications than me for the role and I know that I could do a better job with the portfolio. He threw a party for the guy with drinks and sausage rolls and all. I never got that when I was inducted. To add insult to injury he produced a poster that had everyone's image on it but left mine out.

Should I be unhappy with this situation and what do you suggest I do with it.

Des Gruntled.

Dear Des

I know what you are saying and can sympathise with you since recently I've ... hey! Des is it? Are you sure that's not The Blue Man there? It is isn't it. Well I'll be! You're being a whiny little bitch you know. Maybe you'd be better off in that Bass Bag Confusion thing with attitudes like that. I should let the boss know.

Why on earth do you think you'd be better in the happy position than The Happy Curmudgeon? That's who you're moaning about right - The Happy Curmudgeon? I recall that when you first joined The Curmudgeons Inc.ⓒ you said this about yourself:

"I wanted a blog that's just me with no connections to anything else.
As The Blue Man I want to be able to move about without any labels or restrictions.
My mind floats about a bit as I think, daydream, fantasise or remember. Sometimes my thoughts are whimsical, sometimes philosophical, sometimes political but never religious."
Fair enough - "fill your boots I say" but you also said and I quote:
"If there is any one overriding theme in my blog however it would be pessimism. I don't feel optimistic in the way the world and life is going. Things are bad and are only going to get worse."

How on earth can you think that an attitude like that is commensurate with the attributes of a Happy Curmudgeon? 

Get a grip man (not that thing that Robert does a hundred times a year) and write some posts of your own - you haven't posted since January 2022. Maybe I can put a good word into the boss's ear for you and get you a bevvy and a sausage roll eh?

Yours in the interest of being understanding and helpful

The Curmudgeon's Agony Aunt


Dear The Curmudgeon's Agony Aunt. I'm reminded of Marcel Proust's 'À la recherche du temps perdu' at present when remini...