Friday, 14 October 2022


 Dear The Curmudgeon's Agony Aunt

At tennis yesterday the topic of discussion turned to women and Rod said that 'a friend of his' had a recurring fantasy of having sex with a mother and daughter at the same time. I think that he thought this was in his head and he surprised himself by saying it out loud.

One of the women in the group looked over at him and said "Rod, in your case I'd be fantasising about the grandmothers".

Anyway, why are women so mean to men (and why are grandmothers starting to look more attractive)?

- Justin Kwisitiv

Dear Justin

I think you are being influenced by that old schoolteacher you know into having imaginary friends. This 'Rod' isn't real is he? I mean, why would he be named Rod? At least that old schoolteacher comes up with interesting names for his imaginary friends. Does this gerontophilia you seem to be developing have anything to do with the fact that you can't run very fast anymore mmm? If so, and you do manage to catch an old dame I suggest that you don't entertain her with sexist jokes like you were heard to say at that same tennis outing when you said, and I quote: 

"They say that women's work is never done. That's why they don't get paid as much as men."

Get over yourself (given that you're unlikely to get over anyone else).

Yours in the spirit of being helpful,

The Curmudgeon's Agony Aunt.


  1. Gerontophilia is not a word you'd get to use every day. In fact, I've got through 70 years without even seeing or hearing it.

  2. I tell The Old Girl that she's the oldest woman I've slept with.



Dear The Curmudgeon's Agony Aunt. I'm reminded of Marcel Proust's 'À la recherche du temps perdu' at present when remini...