"Dear Agony AuntI am in a bit of a dilemma - a moral dilemma.
I am a member of a local association that supports the community.
It has just come to my attention that a fellow member has something in his past that concerns me.
He was a member of an infamous sect commune that preyed on children. He was convicted of attempted rape and unlawful sexual connection of a 14 year old (when he was in his 40s and spent several years in prison.
My dilemma is this:
- I know that this man was prosecuted and convicted under the laws of the land and served his sentence.
- I have an abhorrence of predatory behaviour however and am in the 'leopards don't change their spots' brigade.
I feel that I should resign my position as I have no wish to serve on this committee with that man. I will not be able to give support to any of his proposals or efforts.
- As a result I find it impossible to forget and forgive. I am not one of those 'turn the other cheek' people.
Please advise.- Mr Moralhighground"
Dear Mr Moralhighground,
I can see where you are going with this but feel that I cannot objectively comment and advise as I am too close to this in that I have the same feelings as you.
Perhaps one of our many readers can assist and provide a useful comment.